On a railroad train you should be careful not to assail the nostrils of fellow passengers with strong odors of any kind. An odor that may seem to you refreshing, may cause others who dislike it and are “poor travelers” to suffer really great distress. There is a combination of banana and the leather smell of a valise containing food, that is to many people an immediate emetic. The smell of a banana or an orange, is in fact to nearly all bad travelers the last straw. In America where there are “diners” on every Pullman train, the food odors are seldom encountered in parlor cars, but in Europe where railroad carriages are small, one fruit enthusiast can make his traveling companions more utterly wretched than perhaps he can imagine. The cigar which is smoldering has, on most women, the same effect. Certain perfumes that are particularly heavy, make others ill. To at least half of an average trainful of people, strong odors of one kind or another are disagreeable if not actually nauseating.

Sage advice from Emily Post

Another tip: While "Double Crossing" stick to the inside track until you've added a few cars. But, getting back to the issue of food on the train, what about cherry tomatoes? Mmmmm. And cocoa almonds? Passenger trains are a waste of money anyway. Boxcar me, baby! And pass the Beam, it's going to be a long night.

On the subject of long nights, let me just interject that the "September Trilogy" post below is evidence that the only way I can embed Game Night video from flickr herein is all by itself. And so it shall be. The unsuspecting should be made aware that the most truly pointless videos from this month as well as all videos from August (which were, every one, worth not a paper farthing) can and should be found on the World Renowned Game Night Flickr Set as follows: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23129636@N02/sets/72157603820898882/detail/?page=9
along with, as usual, the excruciatingly detailed versions of these pics. Readers who, for whatever reason, may wish to peruse the historic AHC Landlocked Film Festival Trek as well could do worse than to look here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23129636@N02/sets/72157622210293160/detail/

Come all you rounders that want to hear

Come all you rounders that want to hear
The story of a brave engineer.
Casey Jones was the rounder's name,
On a six eight wheeler, boys, he won his fame.
Snazzy hat, Colonel!

Advertising, as Don Draper points out, is all about suggestive text and salacious visuals. Naturally there was no stopping me on this one, my first Game Night win since Groundhog Day. So nice we had to play it twice and the Col. tops out with the fruit. Don't be bringing that stuff on the train now!

Twice, I said. Now what else comes in pairs? Melons, it seems, come threes.

And two it should have stayed because three was certainly a crowd this night. A crowd of stupid extensions of Chinese Checkers. The normally disciplined game kings dissolve into cursing and, yes, covert and blatant cheating. Never seen the like. After more than any of us could endure without recourse to weapons or smelly fruit the match was awarded to Dennis on account of his being more out of focus by that point than anyone else.
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