Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Funky Flashman!


blame game said...

What?!?! Why...this is an insult to one of the greatest human beings who ever lived! That immortal bard of the comic realm STANLEY LIEBER!!!! He created the MARVEL EMPIRE single handed and ruled over it benignly for decades breathing the vitality of life into his creations! And you have the gall to post this poor page that is supposed to mock this now deceased demi-god?!?! Shame on you! Mr. Lieber has generously shared with the world his pure genius out of the humble goodness of his heart, bestowing on us all an imagined universe of characters so complex, so vital, so beautiful and real that they will inspire this pitiful Earth forever with their better than actual truths! Fie and away with such pathetic commentary! Go! Go and pour ashes on your heads ye pathetic grovelers and wear the sack cloth of woe that such a superior being has left us alone on this plain of misery! And the ridiculous scribblers who stole their livings from MR. LIEBER? Who cares about them now? said...

Wait. Funky Flashman is Stanley Lieber? Who in hades is Stanley Lieber? It sounds like he must have worked for the immortal Walt Disney.