Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sub Iisdem Trabibus

The only men who, as I opine, ought to be allowed the use of Clubs, are married men without a profession. The continual presence of these in a house cannot be thought, even by the most uxorious of wives, desirable. Say the girls are beginning to practise their music, which in an honourable English family, ought to occupy every young gentlewoman three hours ; it would be rather hard to call upon poor papa to sit in the drawing-room all that time, and listen to the interminable discords and shrieks which are elicited from the miserable piano during the above necessary operation. A man, with a good ear especially, would go mad, if compelled daily to submit to this horror. 


With love and simplicity and natural kindness Snobbishness is perpetually at war. People dare not be happy for fear of Snobs. People dare not love for fear of Snobs. People pine away lonely under the tyranny of Snobs. Honest kindly hearts dry up and die. Gallant generous lads, blooming with hearty youth, swell into bloated old-bachelorhood, and burst and tumble over. Tender girls wither into shrunken decay, and perish solitary, from whom Snobbishness has cut off the common claim to happiness and affection with which Nature endowed us all.

Trump Tower

I have seen Snobs, in pink coats and hunting boots, scouring over the Campagna of Rome: and have heard their oaths and their well-known slang in the galleries of the Vatican, and under the shadowy arches of the Colosseum. I have met a Snob on a dromedary in the desert, and picknicking under the pyramid of Cheops. 


Stinginess is snobbish. Ostentation is snobbish. Too great profusion is snobbish. Tuft-hunting is snobbish. But I own there are people more snobbish than all those whose defects are above mentioned: viz., those individuals who can, and don’t give dinners at all. The man without hospitality shall never sit SUB IISDEM TRABIBUS* with ME. Let the sordid wretch go mumble his bone alone!
* the sacred enclosure of private walls

All quotes from The Book of Snobs  (by One of their Own) - W. M. Thackeray


blame game said...

"Ew! Ew! Pahdon ME while I play the Grahnd Piahno!" Yeah, I had some snobs float into the shop where I work once. They "queened" around for a while commenting on merch, enthralled in their private bubble.I tried to be friendly and tell a funny anecdote as I rang them up and "clearly they were not amused". So here's my take on the snob set, Thak, be like Buffy and just tell 'em "BITE ME!" said...

Twaddle! I must be off tuft-hunting on my dromedary.