The Colonel first unboxes Kommissar, The People's Game. Said to be a sort of communist Monopoly without Free Parking or buildings or rent or an end.
Everybody equal. Nobody wins. Nobody loses. In theory here you can win by cashing in 500 rubles and flying out of the socialist homeland. In fact everybody sticks right around the 300 rubles they start out with. It took massive cheating on the part of the comrade game kings to throw the game to this capitalist roader.
Cold War nostalgia gives way to 3 dimensional wackiness as we crank up the It from the Pit.
Pure mechanized plastic goof.
Attrition is high as the treasure hunters hug the chasm wall in fear and trembling.
Survival of the most purple.
Then the evening's existential entry.
Our four bogus dicks pry the clue cards loose.
You know, Kommissar looked like it had never been game tested and this one looks like it wasn't censored.
Alfie is trying his best to ignore the proceedings.
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