Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapters: a Novel

Mr. Slator has crafted a tumbling sort of adventure mostly in the direction north by north east from the studious roosts of dinkytown u.s.a. to the great northwoods proximate to Canada. There we uncover a crime of two score years and finish our saga, time wise, at the end of the second century of our declared independence. Part Bildungsroman, part Bowery Boys the storytelling is deft, the staging is good and the author’s asides give it, along with the time shifts, a pleasing rhythm in all. As for footnotes in a novel, you know, footnotes in a novel. As a coeval of the author I can testify that he has been faithful to his time/space continuum. Exchanging south side for north side, parochial delinquency was much the same and completely necessary. Congratulations to Mr. Slator on “Chapters” with eager anticipation for his epic of the Iron Horse. A solid recommend to all.

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