Behold the sterling selection of dark November’s diversions:
First up a sort of checkers, Outwit.
Not bad. Team West was able to force a stalemate where they were unable to win against Team East. Cheer up Colonel, stalemate is honorable.
Oh, oh, Team East is falling asleep.
Damn, it’s catching.
Time to move on to the Hollie Hobby Wishing Well. The girliest game ever to breach the Undisclosed Location.
“Do you have a Good Friend?” Say it as swishy as you can, Brother. No problem with that though as it broke my Game Night victory drought.
On to the Island of Dr. Moreau.
It is for such adventure that I brave the chill northern evenings. That and the grilled cheese sandwiches at Ye Olde Game Night Tavern.
A whale of a tale of shark infested waters and mythical sea critters. And guess what, matey?
Won that one too. My testosterone restored.
Finally, a peek at Game Nights yet to come:
Hold that pose Doc. See you in December.
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