Thursday, July 16, 2009

Try July

Game One: "Bargain Hunter"
OK. How can you not love a game that attemptes to teach fiscal responsibility in spite of the fact that it's main gimmicky wheeze is a credit card machine? Our fair troopers found out. The object of this contest is to fill a shopping list to furnish your new place. *yuh-awn* AND you're not supposed to go into debt with your plastic credit card?! Wha-huh? The crew can be seen in our first pic trying hard to inject some fun into this tedium test. We finally did figure it out however. Dr Kirby (with unabashed encouragment from all) rang himself head over heels into a deep drowning sea of red ink in an attempt to snab all the items on his list. He came the closest to succeeding ...and lost miserably but with more laughs and glory than the game could possible contain rule wise. The lesson? Toss the rules on this one and play it the All American Way! Debt to the max! Melting plastic should fill the room as competitors struggle to out do each other in consumptive madness! That's the way to go here. Credit limit? HA! Where's the fun in that?

At right, on the left, we see the "real" winner who played by the rules and got the most stuff with no debt. He looks happy but don't be fooled. His victory is hollow. At right , on the right, we see the dictator of debt, Dr Kirby, theoretical "loser". You decide who had more fun. We know who really did!

Game Two: "Quest"
Manufactured by the now gone "Lakeside" game company. (Truth in advertising: Mrs.Kirby once worked for the now gone Lakeside Co. Her verdict? They were NOT a fun place to labor for!) This was a very novel an interesting maze run game. A massive spinner in the center of the board doubled not only as a move counter but a board changer. Arrows would appear in clear squares and set the direction of movement and make it different at every turn . Another novelty? Everyone moved with every turn. Opponents could be sent back to start if a player landed on a yellow square. Nice. Always a help to add a back stabbin' twist to these things.

After not so very long yours truly (right) emerged as the winner. My ennui filled aura lulled my opponents into a state of security and I was able to bring my pawn in for the victory! Lucky me. This one was recommended by all.

Game Three: "Hotels"
This one was featured last month but we didn't actually play it. Players buy and improve various Vegas style Hotel/Resort properties and then stick it to each other for room fees when they "visit" rival lodgings. After a shortened round everyone was convinced this challenger should have started the evening. Things were just beginning to get het up when we had to call a winner. And it was? None other than the that raconteur roustabout and master of Zeus, Mr G.(above). Could he look happier? Not really seeing as how he somehow managed to "Trump" the rest of us!

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