Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Look at Me, I'm a SPACEMAN!

That is to say...a DEAD spaceman.

Manomonkey, we out-cheapassed Cheap Ass this time, what with my handy Found Objekt Jah-Tse board game (found in an alley--the board game version of "direct-to-video"--which suggests its previous owner(s) weren't hip to the Game Kings Two Big Secrets of Big Time Game Night Fun: Alcohol and Apathy) and Mr. Blame Game's soopah doopah home-made aliens-n-angry mobs opus. I was mighty proud to be the first surreptitious Bug-Eyed Alien Type to be revealed, handed over to the Angry Mob and sent to meet my Green-Skinned Maker in a game that's sure to sweep the nation in mere weeks--if the nation knows what's good for it And if I'm any judge of national self-awareness, I'm sure it does (know what's good for it, that is). Of course, I also find clowns HILARIOUS--but not for the reason clowns find themselves hilarious.

Oh yeah, and I just gotta add:
Man, I like me some wasabi peas--especially them mean-ass hot ones D-Man picked up over to the co-op. Whooo-eeee!

Finally, to paraphrase Bobby Sherman, ca 1970: "Remember, when you're flashing that peace sign to your alien brother--you better mean it!"

Klaatu Barada Game Kings!

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