Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

Stick and Slip


The stick–slip phenomenon… is a type of motion exhibited by objects in contact sliding over one another. The motion of these objects is usually not perfectly smooth, but rather irregular, with brief accelerations (slips) interrupted by stops (sticks). Stick–slip motion is normally connected to friction, and may generate vibration (noise) or be associated with mechanical wear of the moving objects, and is thus often undesirable in mechanical devices. On the other hand, stick–slip motion can be useful in some situations, such as the movement of a bow across a string to create musical tones in a bowed string instrument.

Dick Cheney is a true believer in the two party system. He shares that with the party whose ticket he's endorsed. Two party system, here, refers to the common support by Democrats and Republicans for American dominance of the global economy and preservation of capitalist production at home. Common in the sense that political control of the state apparatus can be safely exchanged between the two within agreed parameters to absorb the more ordinary domestic and international contradictions.

This consensus is now entirely encompassed within one party, the party which has put forth a platform of opposition to Trump. By focusing their criticism on the thrice nominated candidate of the Republicans the Democrats avoid presenting themselves as the single survivor of the 20th century American partisan landscape. The bloc which has coalesced behind Trump is the negation of the two party system and, specifically, of the Republican party as a partner to it. Its platform identifies, paradoxically, the Democrats with the movement of the working class to supplant the political-economic order which they, along with their erstwhile partners in the GOP, have always been pledged to uphold. 

In fact, the “far left” against which Trump directs the wrath of his so-called movement is not represented by a mass political party in this election. It is certainly not to be found in a cabal of globalists who both own everything and are simultaneously conspiring to overthrow private property, throttle biblical prophecy, and so forth. The far left does exist as the inevitable specter of opposition to the multiple, intertwined crises that threaten the planet.

The Democrats, while faithful to the old order, are capable of expressing the aspirations of opposition. In their rhetoric it’s apparent they lack any other inspiration. Just this acknowledgement is enough to trigger the reactionary negation of the entire American political system: no contradiction, no way forward, no politics, no reality, all stick, no slip. This is the end to which a doddering, beset Trump is delighted to dedicate his stream of consciousness stand-up act.