Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fish are jumping and the cotton is high

Just as we squeezed two months of Game Nighting into half a month's time I'm squeezing two photoplays into one post. Here the Col. tastes victory in his own TLIFAU.
And here he wins the other July game, a priceless piece of comedy called "Redneck Life". Don't you judge me! And speaking of judgement, here we have what I like to call "Evil Enters the Picture". Special guest redneck, Evil Eric.Then the gang settled in to enjoy some recent issues of "Fear Agent", greatest comic book of all time. Ssssh!
On to August

One last time into the extra-terrestial breach. Play moved well and was quickly over. Guess who won down on The Farm?
Then it's wheelin and a dealin with Dealer's Choice. Personally, I'd have liked to deal the wheels from Redneck Life.

Still, you can't beat winning. Couple of real pimpin rides on the lot that night.
Can't stay awake for all of them. I know I had some marbles around here somewhere. But now I seem to have lost my marbles. Ssssh...

(psst, pictures too crappy for poster size reproductions? try the real thing over at the Game Night Flickr site)

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