Monday, December 21, 2009

Up Periscope (a photo essay in which more ambitious readers are invited to supply their own text)


Sub Search Game
Sub Search Game

Wrong Deployment
Wrong Deployment

Admiralty 2

Torpedoes Away!
Torpedoes Away

Victory at Sea
Victory at Sea


What the Sam Hell?
What the Sam Hell

Push the Button
Push the button

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Depth Charge!

First of all Red and Blame showed up and sat around waiting for the remaining players. Then the Doc showed and more waiting took place. Then 2 calls. One other player would be late and another was sick. More waiting. And in the bored interval an idle conversation began to fill the weary delay. That's when the dander began to rise and flush rose to cheek! Thank Chet Dennis showed when he did or surely things would have come to an ugly, scarring pass! And now on to the evenings entertainment!

Game One: "Sub Search"

Brrr ...Ping! Brrr ...Ping! Sub Search! A 1960's vintage game of two teams blindly groping a 3 level grid in search of enemy submersibles! Brrr ...Ping! Depth charge! Ker-whumpf! Torpedoes! Fire vun! Whoosh! Ka-Blooey!
Glub! At right we see the excited owner of this gem. Below Dr. K watches his team mate do a search and destroy on hapless enemy mariners.

At right (below) we see the results! Grim faced and weary with the fight the victors display the blank face of hollow victory.
Many brave souls are asleep in the deep! So beware!
Game Two: "Reflex"
This one was one of myriad early '80's electronic push button annoyances! Gleep! Urp! Zeep! BLAAAAAH! Dennis and the Doc nodded over a game or two of chase the blinking light before finally surrendering. Who won? No one cared. Dr Kirby was intrigued enough to try a solo outing. (see below left)

And did he win? Of course! In the end he turned the dang thing off and got back to what the game crew does best, drink and smart mouth merilly on topics they know little or nothing about! Happy Holidays to all and to all GOOD NIGHT!!! See ya' next year!

November Nonsense

Game One: "Outwit"

A game of deceptive simplicity. Checker like pieces are moved into opposite corners of the board. Hmm ..Doesn't seem like this sort of challenge offers much in the way of thrill a minute fun. The guys played as two teams and while the rules weren't too involved they may seem cryptic to any but the most hardened of gamers such as we. (see picture of box interior at lower left)

The game ended in a draw. Huh. Go figure!

Game Two: "Holly Hobby"

Grown women across the land may recall the "Hobby" craze of the 1980's but only half of the game crew did. Steady nerves were needed for this event and as we can see from the pic below a bolstering distillation wasn't out of order.

At lower right we see the winner. I can honestly say I'm glad I lost this one! And now without further embarrassment let us move on.

Game Three: "Survive!"

At last! A man's game! Vicious sharks, whales, sea serpents, a sinking island and life boats! Struggling swimmers adrift in the roiling sea! Back stabbing! Survival of the fittest! And best of all? The game ending in a titanic volcanic explosion of the island!!! Wow! What more can a MAN ask for in a game?

On the left we see Dr. Kirby gripped with the thrill of the contest! Below is our winner. This almost makes up for the game before this one (which I cannot bring myself to name again). Congrats!

Game Four: "Green Ghost"
At lower right is a disappointed Doc K, clutching his beloved and unplayed game. Time and interest ran out on this one. Thank goodness too! I've owned this game before and let's just say I think I'd rather play the "no longer mentioned" game above over again rather than be subjected to this pitiful pea colored poltergeist! Boo who?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Out Twit, Out Gay, Out Survive!


Behold the sterling selection of dark November’s diversions:

Outwit - Survive

First up a sort of checkers, Outwit.

Howzat for a first move

Not bad. Team West was able to force a stalemate where they were unable to win against Team East. Cheer up Colonel, stalemate is honorable.


Oh, oh, Team East is falling asleep.

Asleep at Game Night

Damn, it’s catching.
Time to move on to the Hollie Hobby Wishing Well. The girliest game ever to breach the Undisclosed Location.

The Wishing Well

“Do you have a Good Friend?” Say it as swishy as you can, Brother. No problem with that though as it broke my Game Night victory drought.
On to the Island of Dr. Moreau.

Sea Creatures

It is for such adventure that I brave the chill northern evenings. That and the grilled cheese sandwiches at Ye Olde Game Night Tavern.

Monsters Whales and Sharks

A whale of a tale of shark infested waters and mythical sea critters. And guess what, matey?


Won that one too. My testosterone restored.
Finally, a peek at Game Nights yet to come:

Green Ghost

Hold that pose Doc. See you in December.